Monday, October 17, 2011


I've heard of his name long ago. I've only seen him on TV healing mass. I never thought I will come face to face with him last Oct. 15, 2011 at the Glorietta Activity Center. It felt like I went back to the time of JESUS when HE healed thousands and thousands of sick people...First we prayed the HOLY ROSARY then came the special healing mass.  PAPURI SA DIYOS ! PAPURI SA DIYOS! PAPURI SA DIYOS sa kaitaasan... I can't control my tears...I can't contain the happiness and the joy I felt while singing and I wanted to cry out loud to HIM and said PRAISE YOU LORD FOR YOU CALLED ME HERE...YOU WILL HEAL ME THATS WHY I AM HERE!!!  I burst into tears... tears  profusely flowing down my cheeks...I can feel HIS EMBRACE, I CAN FEEL HIS IMMENSE LOVE...Here I am in a wheelchair because I cannot walk a long distance. Here  I am with the other sick people  feeling waiting to be touched. waiting to feel the healing touch of JESUS...And then it by one HE touched us...I 've seen and read this in the bible...Then my turn came....HE touched my ailing heart and told me I am healed!!! MY GOD. MY GOD, it' was an AWESOME feeling!!! I can't explain how my body felt the warmth that flowed in the inner recesses of my being...This is great! this is awesome! this is indescribable !  This is JESUS healing all of us...then HE asked me to walk and push my wheelchair out to the exit.  Then it's still so vivid to me...a couple asked me if I am healed...I said "yes!!!"  and they kept on saying a prayers 'GOD BLESS YOU ! GOB BLESS YOU! Of course I do not know how many times I said "thank you, thank you LORD!!! I will never never forget this moment in my life when I have encountered JESUS , THE DIVINE HEALER. I haven't done any heart check up but I can walk long distances and I am back to serving my family. I am doing this to give HIM glory, honor and praise!!! Oh and I won't forget to mention that the LANDMARK and GLORIETTA people were so accommodating and helpful in extending their effort and concerns to us...they see to it that every sick people were comfortably seated  and well taken care of.  I am lifting them all to you dearest JESUS...Really, there are still good people in this world!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


What more can I ask for?  Loving Father...I asked that I can finish college and YOU let me finish it. Although it took me 6 years to finish it (add my incomplete grades every time I won't be able to take our final exams due to so many absences because of my heart ailment)...still I received my college diploma.  After college...I asked YOU to find me a job so I can help my family, I landed a job in an advertising agency. I enjoyed every day of my life in my newly found job and met the love of my life there.  We married and YOU gave us our son and our daughter.  The hardest part of course is struggling while we build our family.  But YOU are always there...through  the sun and the rain...even through the storm.  I knew then that it is not only my husband and's GOD, my husband and I. Holding on makes me persevere...praying makes me believe...asking GOD for our daily needs makes my faith stronger than ever. Sometimes I stumbled down...almost felt like drowning...but when I am about to lose my last breath...SOMEONE will carry me and put my feet on the higher ground.  Then I will be alive again...HE sent me people who helped.  These people made our load lighter.  I knew they are heaven sent!!! Today is my birthday...what more can I ask for? I am already 52 and thank GOD for the very colorful 52 years of my life...I still have my husband...thank you for bearing with me.  My son is already 23 and is now working.  Oh boy, I never knew I can still be very alive when he turned 23.  My sweet lady is 21 now and for sure next year she will finished her studies too and find a perfect job for her.

Now there are many heart is getting weaker.  Do I really need an operation? GOD please I still want a normal life... I still want to enjoy serving my family.  I still want to be a part of their important occasions.  I still want to experience loving them and feeling their love...I still want to kiss and hug my husband .  I still love to prepare breakfast for them everyday. I knew they can do it by themselves but please...please let me do it for them.  I still  want to experience life with them...please I still want to be with them.  I STILL WANT TO LIVE LONGER!!!

I also have a perfect job...I am happy helping and touching other people's lives.  As YOU sent me people whom I can serve through my work...YOU are teaching me of YOU open me to a bigger income...YOU are teaching me honesty and YOU gave me clients who trust...YOU are teaching me of humbleness...and going back to YOU again and again and teaching me that all things comes from GOD!!! MY GOD,  I am enjoying my life and savoring every bit of your wisdom and knowledge.  I know it's not my will but THY WILL BE DONE... PLEASE...CREATE A NEW HEART IN ME AND RENEW MY LIFE...RESTORE ME TO FULL HEALTH IN BODY. MIND AND SPIRIT...AND AFTER I HAVE BEEN HEALED, MAY I BE A WITNESS OF YOUR HEALING POWER AND LOVE AND BRING YOU GLORY, HONOR AND PRAISE.  THESE I PRAY IN JESUS' NAME THROUGH MARY WITH ALL THE ANGELS AND SAINTS. AMEN.