Tuesday, August 7, 2012


It's raining non-stop since Sunday (Aug. 5) ...I remembered last night my family and I prayed the rosary and we prayed fervently that Our Gracious God will protect all of us ...At 2am we were awakened by flood waters rushing inside our house. " This is it, we have to move out..." my husband told us.
As Nikon and Niki gathered their personal things...I am down on my knees...my body trembled...I am frightened...I can't move...Then my husband asked me to go first. Thank God we rented an apartment on a higher place but also within the same area in anticipation of the Rainy Season because our place is prone to flooding. We moved some of our things there but not our appliances and other things that were heavy to carry. As I left I told myself "let go and let God" this is one thing we cannot control. We can only ask God to protect us all throughout this ordeal. And so we stayed in the rented apartment until the flood subsided.

Since the rented apartment was so small, we have to sleep side by side with each other, thank God for by sleeping together we were able to pray the rosary everyday. We were able to share stories till the wee hours of the morning. We ate together with what was left...canned goods...pandesal, anything that can satisfy our hunger will do. We had a great bonding! By these I felt so blessed for we were together...Rolly, Nikon, Niki and I. Thank you so much, Lord!

The saddest part is when we went back a week later. Nikon and Niki can't believe what they saw...Our refrigerator was half submerged . Our television turned upside down, also with our  Washing machine and gas range, stereo component, even Niki's Hair Dryer wasn't spared." We're back to zero now!"

That night we prayed the rosary again. We thanked God we are Alive and together. Yes, our household appliances are gone but we have each other. Yes, My husband and I were in pain for we invested for those things for a very long time but we were thankful we have realized that material things doesn't matter as long as you have Our Gracious God...trust in Him...all things are possible with God!