Sunday, March 21, 2010


I cannot count how many  books my husband bought since the day I cannot also remember.  What I know is that those books introduced me to OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN.  During my younger years,  it is always my way that matters.  It is what I want, it is what I believe, it is me first.  How self centered I am.  Gradually I learned to take into consideration other people's feelings.  It is no more of  myself but others first. What a great feeling !  My husband always bought a GABAY and DIDACHE for me also.  So this is when I started reading the bible with the help of GABAY and DIDACHE.  Another milestone for me !  What are written in the bible are all true.  Then I started to follow what the bible says.  I based my day to day living in the WORD of GOD.  It is not a world of beautiful roses. but  there are also thorns...sometimes sharp thorns...but these thorns are part of the beautiful roses.  Through my bible reading I started to accept the sharp thorns on the roses.  These are the tribulations and trials that come my way.  But OUR FATHER promise HE will be there, HE will not leave us. And HE is true to HIS promise.  Looking back, there are plenty of thorns but GOD is so AWESOME that HE braced me with HIS LOVE to endure the pain and remain steadfast following HIS word.  HE strengthened me all the way. HIS INFINITE LOVE  is so electrifying...You would not think of getting away from HIM.  You want to be near HIM always.

Now I know why HE gave my husband to me..Rolly showed me the way to HIM.  Those books that he bought are precious bulletins from GOD.  Thank you so much Sweetheart...I cannot imagine a world without you... YOU ARE HEAVEN SENT !!!

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